Craving Erotic Romance...

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Decision

Just released! The Decision.

Dace Reynolds was conned by a beautiful woman and longs for retribution. Spying Sophie Price
again, he confronts her, only the woman isn't his personal nightmare, but her sister, Stephanie. Trading on Stephanie’s obvious attraction to him, Dace decides to seduce her and use her until she leads him to Sophie. Despite Stephanie’s best efforts to resist him, she gives into Dace’s overwhelming appeal, believing he isn’t the cold man he portrays. She will take the physical relationship and settle for Sophie’s leavings once again while longing for more. Dace retreats in the face of Stephanie's honesty and strives to create a relationship with her based on something more than physical attraction. He is intensely sexual but denies himself until they can embark on an exploration of both their emotional and sexual needs. Can Dace let go of his thirst for revenge? Can Stephanie stand up to her sister for the first time ever to secure the man of her dreams?

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