Craving Erotic Romance...

is a group blog from several sassy erotic romance authors!

Find out about our latest releases, read scintillating interviews on Mondays, beat mid-week blahs with Hump Day Help Wednesdays, and see hot hunks on Fridays. Saturdays are "Open Mike" and full of surprises! And then, there's always our guests...!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Today's Scintillating Interview with...Moira Callahan.

Welcome to Craving Erotic Romance Blogspot.

Today we’re presenting Author: Moira Callahan!
1) Have you always wanted to be an author? Actually I wanted to be a doctor, but between my dislike of chemistry, and the additional school time needed to get to that point combined with the horrendous hours put a damper on that. Thankfully I’ve always had a love for reading, and it began to turn into a love of writing in high school. Until last year I didn’t really see it as anything I might be serious about, more an outlet for everything pent up inside. But I took the leap and here I am.
2) What genre(s) do you write? Romance of course being the easiest of answers. Most of my books to date have been contemporary, and suspense. I’m playing around in paranormal now with a new project so we’ll see how that goes.
3)  Have you ever self published? No, not yet anyway. It was scary enough submitting to a publisher let alone thinking about trying to do all they do on my own.
4) Who or what inspired you to write your first book? My best friend, and a fellow author, actually. She’d been working on something at the time, and we got to talking. Generalities of course, but there was a point in that conversation that even now I can’t pinpoint exactly that triggered my brain, and had me writing out a wave of words. I had her read it when we were done and her first words were “You have to submit this, now!”
5) How many hours in a day might you write? Hours? We’re supposed to write in terms of hours? Eek! Okay, seriously though, I usually get in at least an hour a day. I have a pretty stressful day job so taking an hour each night to write is my way to relax. I may only get a couple hundred words down, or I might get a thousand. To me it really doesn’t matter as long as I have that time to let my mind wander through possibilities.
6) Are you a plotter or a pantser? Yes. After writing the first book in my series I realized I needed to keep track of things being it was to be a series, and certain elements would be required to carry through. While I’ve had more than my fair share of surprises from my characters along the way, which I don’t mind, I do like to have at least the core of the book plotted. Everything else is completely off the cuff.
7) Do you ever find yourself slipping away and becoming so immersed in your story it affects how you relate to others? I can’t say I have. Yet. Who knows what the future holds.
8) Are you in any of your books? I’m in every single book, and every character. I create each of the characters with one trait of mine minimum. Sometimes they have two, but rarely more than that. I found when I started the C&M series that I wasn’t invested in the characters, and they were kind of blah. So I scratched it all out, and started again. When I put a little of myself into them I related to them easier. As of yet I haven’t written a character that is entirely me, and only me, but even I don’t know what might come out of my head next.
9) What do your friends and family have to say about you writing? My author friends all say the same thing - about damn time. My other friends, non-author I mean, find it interesting and are always curious about what I’m working on currently. I constantly get questions from them. My family supports me but I’ve been told to not tell my niece what I write about until she’s eighteen. Minimum. LOL!
10) Please share an excerpt from your book that totally spoke to you when you put the words down on paper.(you can use your publisher’s excerpt or a couple of lines there that will pique interest)
From: Dangerous Pasts, C&M Security 5
“Yeah, he’ll have to come back eventually. Not for a while, though. Besides, he has a whole other life out in Washington, and other cases, I’m assuming.” Not that they’d really talked much. A little bit, enough to determine they were both single, available, and more than willing to find out if they were compatible in bed. Which they were. Extremely.
“You know, they have this wonderful invention called the phone. You pick it up, punch in a number, and it magically reaches across time and space to the person you want to speak to. Even better, they have this thing called Skype where you can even do a face-to-face with said person.”
With a thank you to the bartender, Chandra shot Denise a dirty look over the rim of her martini glass. “You are such a smartass,” she muttered setting the glass down.
“I know. Mack says it’s cute,” Denise told her.
Snorting at that, Chandra licked her lips. “Mack says a lot of things in regards to you, babe. He’s a man in love.”
“Yeah, he is.”
The dreamy look on her friend’s face made her gut jolt with a yearning for what she’d once had, and likely would never know again. Yes, she was more than a little jealous of what Denise and Mack shared. But that was her issue, and nothing to do with her friend. She was truly happy for Denise. She deserved to have the man of her dreams. Didn’t mean that Chandra couldn’t want and hope for the same. She did. Too often, unfortunately.

11) Which actor/character(s) would play the starring roles?

 Bradley Cooper to play Zachary

 Chandra - Christina Hendricks

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