Craving Erotic Romance...

is a group blog from several sassy erotic romance authors!

Find out about our latest releases, read scintillating interviews on Mondays, beat mid-week blahs with Hump Day Help Wednesdays, and see hot hunks on Fridays. Saturdays are "Open Mike" and full of surprises! And then, there's always our guests...!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hump Help Wednesday: Sepia Eye Candy

Hello everyone!  In my quest to make the middle of the week slightly less boring/tedious/painful/stressful/hectic I wanted to introduce you to one of my favorite ways to relax in between writing and checking email; visiting My Daguerreotype Boyfriend.  If you like good looking men and history, this is the spot to settle in and take a few minutes to appreciate the scenery.  Following is a link and after that is an example of the prime historic male goodness that awaits;

Daniel Tohill, a good-looking Kiwi.  Too bad he was arrested for stealing a bicycle and sentenced to four months hard labor.  He also was convicted of stealing ferrets.  Yes, that's right, ferret stealing. And these are the little details that make me love history.

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