Craving Erotic Romance...

is a group blog from several sassy erotic romance authors!

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Friday, March 1, 2013

What Makes You Follow a TV Show?

Each year, the networks show off their new shows hoping that they will entice viewers to set aside time each week for their stories. We know that when a show becomes popular, it helps the networks earn more money for ads. But popularity can also catapult that new actor to stardom or spin off merchandising. Just think about True Blood. You can buy the True Blood drinks and who'd heard of Alexander Skarsgard before the show became popular?

Then there are the shows that are fan favorites but never seem to get the recognition it deserves and is taken off the air. It has a strong following but not the popularity that changes a show from interesting to a must-see TV night.

But if it was as easy to create a popular show that caused readers to fall in love with, every show would be a success. So what is the formula? What makes a show worth your time? Does the story have to have hot looking characters? Or is the gripping storyline more important?

Maybe it is a story that you can laugh at or shows the world in a "realistic" way. Do you identify with the characters? Do you long to be a part of their family? Or is it the fact that they are crazier than your family?

We'd love to hear from you. What shows do you have to watch? What makes a show a must-see? 


  1. I have to watch the Walking Dead. I have to watch Southland. Both are fairly grim and pessimistic, but I love them and the storytelling that they do.

  2. Thanks Lynn! I do love good storytelling! I saw some of the Walking Dead but we didn't have cable so I couldn't watch it anymore.
